jeudi 9 mai 2013

Bat Girl & Corgi Dog

11 commentaires:

paolo_gaspare a dit…


L Rossi a dit…

:D Whoa qu'est ce que'elle est chanceuse! ;)
Trop cool le dessin!

Jesse a dit…

so good!

Adam Temple a dit…

Beautiful new stuff!

Ashley Perez a dit…

This piece has a very nice warm feeling to it. Very Beautiful.

Nelly Rahman a dit…

look nice bat girl but the corgi dog find out so difficult. thu those are look like creative design.

Unknown a dit…

Now that’s some amazing, funny and beautiful work, loving it!

Unknown a dit…

she is cute and so sexy :)
Must see Flooring Hardwood

Clipping Path Service a dit…

extraordinary post!
Ghost mannequin
Photoshop editing service

kopi.J a dit…

WOW! I Love it...
and i thing thats good for you >>

GOOD HOW TO Thank you!

boy a dit…

I think this article is useful to everyone.